
presidente dutra中文是什么意思

  • 杜特拉总统镇 (马拉尼昂州)
  • 例句与用法
  • Resende is crossed by Rodovia Presidente Dutra, the most important Brazilian road.
  • Another is the 250-mile ( 400-kilometer ) Presidente Dutra Highway between Rio and Sao Paulo.
  • Garrincha was drunk driving on Presidente Dutra highway when a truck was merging into the lane.
  • The new Via Light was intended to ease chronic traffic congestion on an existing, older highway, Rodovia Presidente Dutra.
  • In March, the Presidente Dutra Highway was leased to a conglomerate that will repair the road, install rest stops and clear away shrubbery obscuring signs.
  • Also, the Presidente Dutra highway linking Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's two largest cities, is being operating by the construction groups Andrade Gutierrez SA and Camargo Correa SA.
  • The S鉶 Paulo-Rio de Janeiro section is named Rodovia Presidente Dutra, and it is the busiest section of the highway, running into or near of 15 cities with more than 200.000 inhabitants.
  • The Via Presidente Dutra, a 406-kilometer highway linking the country's two largest cities through some of Brazil's most important industrial regions, represents only 0.008 percent of Brazil's 51, 000 kilometer road system.
  • The Via Presidente Dutra, a 406-kilometer highway linking the country's two largest cities through some of Brazil's most important industrial regions, represents only 0 . 008 percent of Brazil's 51, 000 kilometer road system.
  • The SP-099 starts at the Rodovia Presidente Dutra, and crosses with Rodovia Carvalho Pinto ( SP-070 ), two huge thoroughfares which direct the road flow from and to S鉶 Paulo megalopolis to the Northern coast beach resorts.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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